Terms of Use

Updated March 1, 2023

Welcome to the www.marcow.io website (“Site”) operated by Marcow, Inc. By visiting and using this Site you will be accepting these Terms of Use (“TOU”). The TOU governs your access to and use of the Site and any of the Services we provide through the Site (together the “Services”). Please read them carefully and if you disagree with the TOU in any way, then do not use this Site or any of the Services. Marcow reserves the right to post changes to the TOU on this Site at any time. If we make any material changes to this TOU, we will post the updated TOU here, along with its effective date, and notify you by email or by means of a notice on our Site. If any TOU changes are not acceptable, you must stop your use of this Site. In these TOU, “Marcow” and “we” refer to Marcow, Inc., and “User” or “you” refer to each visitor to this Site.

If you subscribe to any Services offered through this Site, you may also be subject to additional terms and conditions (“Terms of Service” or “TOS”) applicable to such Services, which will be brought to your attention at that time.

Sites and Services

We do not guarantee that access to or use of this Site or any Services will be uninterrupted or error free, and Marcow shall not be liable for any feature not being accessible or for any unavailability of its Site and Services. The Site and its features may be expanded, limited or modified at any time by Marcow to meet the needs of its Users, or for technical or other reasons, without advance notice or reason. We may also in our sole discretion, and at any time, discontinue providing, temporarily or permanently, any or all of the Site or Services, without notice. To access some of the content or features of the Site or its Services, Users may need to enhance or update the hardware or software in their computer systems. Marcow assumes no responsibility for any failure to access the Site or any Services, partially or fully, whether due to the User’s system, the Internet network or any other cause.


We do not provide information or services to minors, and if you are under 18, and at least 13 years of age, you may only use this Site and/or the Services with the active involvement of a parent, guardian or other supervising adult. You may not use this Site if you are under 13 years of age.

No Individual Investment Advice

This Site does not provide individual or customized legal, tax, accounting, or investment services. Since each individual’s situation is unique, a qualified professional should be consulted before making financial decisions.

Message Web Site Content Limitations

We make no guarantees as to the accuracy, thoroughness or quality of the information on this Site or through the Services, which is provided only on an “AS-IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis at User’s sole risk. This information may be provide by third parties and Marcow shall not be responsible or liable for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the Site content. Content on this site may or may not have been generated by humans. The information and investment, accounting, or legal strategies provided at this Site are neither comprehensive nor appropriate for every individual. Some of the information is relevant only in Canada or the U.S., and may not be relevant to or compliant with the laws, regulations or other legal requirements of other countries. It is your responsibility to determine whether, how and to what extent your intended use of the information and Services will be technically and legally possible in the areas of the world where you intend to use them. You are advised to verify any information before using it for any personal, financial, accounting, legal, or business purpose. In addition, the opinions and views expressed in any article on this Site are solely those of the author(s) of the article and do not reflect the opinions of Marcow or its management. The Site content and services may be modified at any time by us, without advance notice or reason, and Marcow shall have no obligation to notify you of any corrections or changes to any Site content.

License to Use Site Content

We grant you a limited personal use license to access, display, download, format and print portions of this Site content solely for your own personal non-commercial use, provided that the content is not modified and all proprietary notices are kept intact. You may not reproduce, publish, translate, merge, sell, rent, distribute the content, or create a derivative work of the content on any other website or as part of any educational, training or reference materials. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any content on this Site.

Third Party Content

Any testimonials, opinions, advice, product or service offers, or other information or content made available on or through this Site by third parties (“Third Party Content”) are solely those of their respective providers and not of Marcow which does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability or usefulness of Third Party Content. It is the responsibility of the User to evaluate Third Party Content and Marcow shall not be liable for any damage or loss caused by Users’ reliance on or other use of Third Party Content.

Content Posted by Users

To the extent we enable you to, and you choose to post or share any content or materials (“User Content”) you will be: (a) granting Marcow a fully transferable, sub-licensable (with rights to sublicense, including, without limitation, through multiple tiers) to display, perform, reproduce, modify, transfer, distribute and create derivative works from the User Content and to associate your public profile information (if any) with such User Content, in any media formats and through any channels (whether now known or hereafter developed) and waiving any moral rights in favor of Marcow with respect to such use of the User Content; (b) granting Marcow a perpetual, world-wide, royalty-free, fully paid-up, non-exclusive license to allow your materials to be edited and displayed by Marcow on its Site, and accessed by Users, for the purposes and on the terms as set out in these TOU; (c) agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless Marcow and its Users from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of your User Content; and (d) representing that you own or otherwise have the right to post the User Content, that the User Content is accurate, that use of the User Content on the Site does not violate any laws, and that the materials will not cause injury to any person, including without limitation to the intellectual property, personal or privacy rights of others. Marcow shall have the right to use your name in connection with your posted User Content. Marcow reserves the right to remove or modify any User Content for any reason, including without limitation, if we believe it violates these TOU.

If you choose to post any User Content and interact with other users, if applicable, please be respectful of other users and use common sense when posting comments. Remember that anything you post online may be perpetually available and is not confidential or private. Do not post anything you would not be comfortable sharing or being made public.

Marcow Widgets

Marcow may, in its sole discretion, provide certain widgets subject to this TOU (the “Widgets”). By accessing and using any Widget (including copying any Widget html code), you agree to be bound by the following:

  • You may only display the Widget(s) on a website you own and operate;
  • You may not modify any Widget including without limitation that you may not change any code, obscure or disable any element of any Widget, tag links to Marcow with a “no follow” attribute or similar mechanism;
  • You agree not to make any representations or warranties (express or implied) about Marcow or the Site;
  • You may not suggest or imply any affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement by Marcow;
  • You may not place the Widget on any site that contains any content that is in any way unlawful, harmful, obscene, harassing, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable. Additionally, you may not place the Widget on any site that infringes any Marcow intellectual property or other rights, or violates any applicable law;
  • Marcow grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable right to download/display the Widget solely in accordance with the terms of TOU (ii) solely in connection with the Widget, to use our logos, trademarks, trade names and other intellectual property contained in the Widget. This TOU does not grant you any right in any Marcow code, content, logos or trademarks beyond the limited permission to display the Widget granted herein.
  • Marcow reserves the right at any time to terminate or modify your permission to display the Widget. The Widgets are subject to change from time to time in our sole discretion. We may cease to return content from the Widget at any time in our sole discretion.

Account Creation

General. Some of the Services offered by Marcow may require you to create an account. When you create an account, you agree that you have the authority to create that account and that all information you provide will be true, accurate, current, and complete. You are solely responsible for keeping your login information (e.g., user ID and password) accurate, secure, and confidential. You are also responsible for any activity resulting from use of your login information. You agree to immediately inform us if you suspect that your login information has been comprised. We are not liable to you for any losses or damages you incur resulting from unauthorized use of your login information.

Social Sign in.

If you login or sign in using social networking functionality, e.g., Facebook, you agree to abide by the applicable social network’s terms and conditions.

Services for Users

Marcow may offer certain services which allow users to engage in one or another manner with a network of third party experts and advisors (including by submitting proposed questions to be posed to financial planning and personal finance professionals). Your use of and reliance on such services, if any, is entirely at your own risk, and you are solely responsible for complying with this TOU at all times. Your submissions (including any public profile information associated with such submission) and any associated responses from our advisor network, all of which materials constitute Third Party Content under this TOU, may be displayed in publicly viewable forums. Submission of a question does not guarantee a response will be provided.

IMPORTANT: No Client Relationship; No Privilege. By answering questions, advisors do not intend to form, and do not form an advisor-client, planner-client, or any other direct privileged or professional relationship with any user of the Site. Please keep in mind that laws, regulations, other governing authorities, standards, practices and procedures that apply to your particular question may differ depending on your location. Additionally, none of the Third Party Content will be treated as private or confidential, nor is it protected by attorney-client, or any other privilege, and it may be read, collected, and used by Marcow and others. Search engines may index your questions, answers, and other Third Party Content to allow such content to appear in search engine results (e.g. if someone does a search on google.com or another search engine, your questions, answers, and other Third Party Content on our Site that relate to the search may appear in the search results list with links to your questions, answers, and other Third Party Content).

PLEASE NOTE: Marcow does not provide tax, accounting, legal, investment, or financial services. The information available through Marcow’s service is provided by third parties and solely for informational purposes on an “as is” basis at user’s sole risk. The information is not meant to be, and should not be construed as advice or used for investment, financial planning, legal, accounting, or tax purposes. Marcow makes no guarantees as to the accurateness, quality, or completeness of the information and Marcow shall not be responsible or liable for any errors, omissions, inaccuracies in the information or for any user’s reliance on the information. User is solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for user’s personal use, including without limitation, seeking the advice of a qualified professional regarding any specific financial, legal, accounting, or tax questions a user may have. While Marcow may edit questions provided by users for grammar, punctuation, profanity, and question title length, Marcow is not involved in the questions and answers between advisors and users, does not endorse any particular financial, legal, accounting, or tax professionals that provide answers via the service, and is not responsible for any claims made by any advisor. Marcow is not endorsed by or affiliated with any state/provincial/territorial bar association or other legal or accounting membership organization or association, tax authorities, or agencies or associations, or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in the U.S., the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) or any other financial regulatory authority, agency, or association.

POSTS ARE NOT CONFIDENTIAL. The Advisor Insights is a forum-based service and any information and materials you submit in connection with your profile and/or any questions you pose to any one of the advisors via the AI Service may be displayed in publicly viewable forums.


In the event that Marcow makes general education and/or continuing education webinars available to financial advisors or others (each a “Webinar” and together “Webinars”), the below applies in addition to the rest of the terms of this TOU. You understand and agree to receiving communications from Marcow and/or providers of these Webinars, including as set forth in the “Communications” section of this TOU. Marcow reserves the right at any time and for any reason and without notice to you, to change, modify, suspend, or cancel access to and/or any and all of the Webinars and/or services related to the Webinars, in whole or part.

Continuing Education.

Marcow may offer continuing education Webinars that are Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. (“CFP Board”) and/or Investments & Wealth Institute® (“IWI”) approved. Marcow will identify which Webinars are approved for such credit on the landing page(s) for each Webinar. You understand and agree that Marcow may be required to share information regarding your participation in and/or completion of such certified program to the CFP Board and/or IWI in order for you to be eligible for and/or receive continuing education credits.

General Education.

Marcow may offer Webinars that are for general education and are not approved for any credit by any professional or state/provincial/territorial board or organization or by any educational institution. For Informational Purposes Only. Each Webinar and any content or materials provided in connection with any Webinar is for informational purposes only. Information may not be applicable for each state/province/territory and/or jurisdiction. Marcow cannot guarantee that any information provided in a Webinar will be accurate, complete, and/or current at all times. We make no representations or warranties regarding the quality of the Webinar content, related materials, or any instructor.

All Webinar content is owned by or licensed to Marcow and/or its licensed content providers, and all such rights are reserved. You may not reproduce, upload, transmit, distribute, publicly display, sell, publish, copy, or otherwise use the Webinar, and/or any content or materials provided in connection with any Webinar for any commercial purpose without Marcow’s express written consent.

The appearance of any instructor in any Webinar is not and shall not be deemed an endorsement or recommendation of that instructor by Marcow and the views expressed in any Webinar are those of the instructor and not Marcow.

Marcow Academy

Marcow may offer online information courses, workshops, classes and other educational programs relating to the world of finance to you for a fee (“Course(s)”) through its Marcow Academy services. For clarity, the Marcow Academy is included as part of the Services offered by Marcow. Marcow may also offer you the ability to engage in communication with fellow users taking the Courses. This TOU, including this section specifically on Marcow Academy, govern your purchase, use and/or access to any Course. You must login to your account to sign up for a Course. Marcow uses third party services to provide the platform for the Courses as well as for payment processing and those third parties may have access to your information for the purposes of providing the Course Services. Please note that we may communicate with you as set forth in the “Communications” section of this TOU in connection with the provision of the Marcow Academy and/or other Marcow services.

Informational Purposes Only. These Courses are offered for information purposes only. Neither Marcow, nor any person providing instruction in any Course, is providing you legal, accounting, investment or financial advice. You are solely responsible for confirming the accuracy and appropriateness of the information for your own uses with your tax, finance, or legal advisor. Marcow’s provision of any Course or the appearance of any specific person instructing any Course is not a recommendation by Marcow of that Course, the content contained therein or the person providing instruction. We do not employ any instructors and are not responsible or liable to you for any interactions between you and any instructor or any other user of the Services. We make no representations or warranties as to the quality of any Course or instructor.

No Academic Credit. Marcow is not an accredited educational institution. Your participation in, or completion of, any Course does not confer any academic credit. Nothing in this TOU or otherwise through the Services or on our Site, enrolls you in any educational institution or in any course offered by any such institution.

Payment. Each Course, bundle of Courses, or subscription package (the “Online Course Offering”) is offered for certain price as listed on the relevant landing page. All fees are in U.S. dollars. To purchase an Online Course Offering you must provide one or more Payment Methods. You represent and warrant that you are authorized to use any and all Payment Method(s) you use to purchase an Online Course Offering. You agree to pay for all Marcow products and services that you purchase, and agree that we may charge your selected payment method through our third party payment processor for any such payments. If your payment method fails, we may collect fees owed or use other collection methods. We may also suspend or terminate your access to our Services. For some Payment Methods, the issuer may also charge you certain fees, such as foreign transaction fees or other fees relating to the processing of your Payment Method. Local tax charges may vary depending on the Payment Method used. Check with your provider for details. “Payment Method” means a current, valid, accepted method of payment as may be updated from time to time and which may include payment through your account with a third party).

We use a secure third party payment processor(s) for the Online Course Offering. These payment processors accept payment methods as detailed on the payment page. Information that you supply to our payment processors is not stored or controlled by us and is subject to the third-party payment processors’ privacy policy and terms and conditions. To the extent allowed under applicable law, we disclaim all liability with regard to any problems you have with any third party payment processors.Refunds. For individually purchased Courses, Marcow will provide a full refund in limited circumstances where the user has viewed less than 50% of the applicable Course, and such request for refund occurs within 30 days of the purchase date. For Courses purchased as part of a bundle, Marcow will provide a full refund in limited circumstances where the user has viewed less than 50% of all content in the bundle and such request for refund occurs within 30 days of the purchase date. For subscription purchases, Marcow will provide refunds in accordance with the Subscription section below. In order to request a refund, user must contact Marcow. You can contact us at academysupport@Marcow.com. Contacting Marcow through any other contact page, email, or number for a refund request will not be deemed notice to Marcow of such request.

Taxes. If you elect to access or use Services that involve payment of a fee, then you agree to pay that fee and all taxes associated with such access or use, including, if applicable, any sales tax Marcow believes in good faith that it is required to collect Marcow may collect taxes (e.g., sales tax or VAT) on any transaction where it reasonably believes that tax collection is required. Where Marcow believes in good faith that VAT collection is required for any Course, VAT will be calculated and added once your billing information is provided. You will indemnify and hold Marcow harmless against any and all claims by any tax authority for any underpayment of VAT, and any penalties and/or interest thereon. Marcow is unable to provide you with tax advice and you should consult your own tax advisor.

Compliance with Laws. You agree to comply with all applicable laws in connection with your purchasing and/or viewing of any Course. Further, access to our Courses from certain territories is prohibited. You agree that you will not violate any data export laws in connection with your purchase and/or viewing of the Courses if you reside outside the United States.

Course Ownership. We and our licensors own all right, title and interest in and to the Course(s) and related materials. We and/or third party licensors either own or have all necessary rights in and to the content contained in any Course (e.g., lectures, video lessons, quizzes, presentation materials, assignments, images, text, displays, documents, audio and/or video clips, HTML, etc.). The foregoing includes any and all copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary rights under applicable law. Nothing contained in this TOU or in any Course conveys to you any ownership or other proprietary right except as otherwise set forth herein.

Any Marcow logos and/or trademarks that appear in any Course are our property and may not be used without our express written consent. All other trademarks, service marks and logos used in connection with any Course, with or without attribution, are the trademarks, services, or logos of their respective owners and may not be used without their express written consent.

Your Use of the Courses. Subject to your compliance with this TOU and any other guidelines or policies we include through the Services, Marcow grants you a limited, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable, non-exclusive, revocable license to make non-commercial, personal use of the Courses you purchase. Purchase of a Course only entitles you to the view the Course, and is not a purchase of the software or content included in the Course. Except as set forth below, Marcow reserves the right to terminate your access to the Site at any time for any reason or no reason at all, with or without notice to you. Unless you have, as determined in our sole discretion, violated this TOU, such termination will not terminate your right to view any Courses you have already purchased. You may not transfer your account to any other person or use anyone else’s account. Except as otherwise expressly permitted in this TOU, you are prohibited from and may not copy, sell, re-sell, display, reproduce, publish, modify, creative derivative works from, transfer, distribute, or commercially exploit the Courses and/or any related materials; and Marcow reserves the right to pursue legal action against you in connection with any unauthorized use of the Courses, the related materials, or your violation of this TOU, whether at law or equity.

Subject to your satisfactory completion of a Course, as determined by Marcow in its sole discretion, Marcow may provide you with a certificate of accomplishment upon conclusion of the applicable Course. You acknowledge that any such certificate merely indicates completion of a Course and is not affiliated with any college, university, company, or other certifying institution, and does not stand in the place of a course taken at any academic institution and does not convey academic credit or certification for any such academic institution and neither Marcow nor any instructor has any obligation to you to assist you in obtaining any such credit or certification.

Indemnification. You agree to indemnify and hold Marcow harmless from and against any claims arising out of or related to your use of the Marcow Academy Service, including without limitation, for your violation of any law or regulation or if your use infringes or otherwise violates any intellectual property or other proprietary right of Marcow or any person or entity.

Modification and/or Termination of Courses. We reserve the right to at any time, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently any one of the Courses or the Marcow Academy in whole or part. You agree that we are not liable to you or any third party for any such modifications, suspension, or termination of any or all Courses. Nothing in this TOU shall be construed to obligate us to maintain and/or support any of the online Course services, in whole or part, during the term of this TOU or thereafter.

Subscription Services

Subscription Services: Marcow may offer certain paid subscription services in certain regions. If you enroll in any Marcow paid subscription service, your subscription will continue month-to-month until terminated. You agree that your account will be subject to this automatic renewal feature. If you do not wish your account to renew automatically or want to change or terminate your subscription, please email support@Marcow.com. To use the Marcow subscription service you must have internet access and provide us with one or more Payment Methods.

Billing: Unless you cancel your subscription(s) before your monthly billing date, you authorize us to charge your next month’s subscription fee to your Payment Method. You also authorize Marcow to charge you for any sales or similar taxes that may be imposed on your subscription payments. Such fees will be charged on the calendar day corresponding to the commencement of your subscription. In some cases your payment date may change, for example if your Payment Method has not successfully settled or if your paid subscription began on a day not contained in a given month. In order to see your next payment date, please contact us at support@Marcow.com.

Payment Methods and Subscriptions: In order to enroll in an Marcow paid subscription service you must provide one or more Payment Methods. We may update your Payment Method using information provided to us by our payment processors. Following an update, you authorize us to continue to charge the applicable Payment Method(s). You agree to promptly update all information to keep your Payment Methods current, complete, and accurate (such as change in billing address, card number, or expiration date), and you must promptly notify Marcow if your Payment Method is canceled (or if you lose your credit card or it is stolen), or if you become aware of a potential breach of security (such as an unauthorized disclosure or use of your name or Account password). Changes may be made by visiting your Learned Dashboard at academy.Marcow.com and submitting an updated payment method which will be received by our payment processor. You authorize us to charge any Payment Method associated with your account in case your primary Payment Method is declined or no longer available to us for payment of your subscription fee. You remain responsible for all unpaid amounts. If any payment it not successfully settled due to expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, and you do not cancel your account, we may terminate your access to the service until we have successfully charged a valid Payment Method. If you initiate a chargeback or otherwise reverse a payment made with your Payment Method, Marcow may in its discretion terminate your account immediately. If Marcow successfully disputes the reversal, and the reversed funds are returned, you are not entitled to a refund or to have your account or subscription reinstated.

Refunds and Cancellations: If you cancel your subscription and request a refund within the first 30 days of your subscription, we will refund your initial payment. Thereafter you can cancel your subscription at any time, and you will continue to have access to the subscription service through the end of your monthly billing period. To the extent permitted by the applicable law, payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial-month subscription periods or unwatched Marcow content. Notwithstanding the forgoing, if you cancel within 3 business days of signing up for a paid subscription, we will refund your full subscription fee; however, we may charge you (or withhold from your refund) the prorated value of the subscription service used by you and your account during this 3-business day period. To cancel, please email support@Marcow.com. If you cancel your subscription, your account will automatically close at the end of your current billing period. In the event you cancel your subscription, please note that we may still send you promotional communications about Marcow products and services, unless you opt out of receiving those communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided therein.

Price and Subscription Plan Changes: We may change the subscription plans available and / or the price of our service from time-to-time, provided that any price changes will apply to you no earlier than 30 days following notice to you. We may offer several different subscription plans, including special promotional plans and some plans may have different terms and conditions, which will be provided to you at sign-up or through other communications to you.

Incentives, Rewards, Discounts and Other Promotional Offers

Marcow may offer incentives, offers, promotions, discounts, sweepstakes, or contests in connection with its Services. In the case of sweepstakes or contests, you will be provided separate terms and conditions that must be agreed to in order to be eligible for participation in any sweepstakes and/or contests. In connection with any incentives, rewards, or similar programs (For example, but not limited to, the Advisor Insights incentives program for financial advisor users and discount codes for Marcow Academy), any such program is issued at Marcow’s sole discretion and cannot be transferred, bartered or sold or used for a purchase where payment is made using payment information (e.g., a credit card number or PayPal account). Any such incentives and/or programs are not a payment instrument; they are issued without any exchange of money or value from you and you have no vested property right or interest in the incentives. Marcow reserves the right to cancel or revoke any incentives or programs, or your participation therein, for any reason or no reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, if it determines in its sole discretion that you have violated these terms, the terms specific to any rewards, incentive, or other program, or the rest of this TOU. Marcow reserves the right in its sole discretion at any time and without prior notice to you, to add to, remove or otherwise change the terms applicable to the issuance and use of any incentive, offers, promotions or other similar program.

Marcow may, at its sole discretion, offer discounts to Marcow Academy courses. Such discounts are not applicable toward past purchases and cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions. Discounts apply toward the purchase price of an Marcow Academy course, only, and cannot be applied toward taxes or other fees. Discounts offered by Marcow have no cash value, and are nontransferable. No cash/credit back. Each discount code may only be used once, and only one discount code may be used per purchase. Marcow reserves the right to modify or discontinue accepting any discount code or other discount at any time without notice. Void where prohibited by law. In the event of any violation of this TOU or other terms of any discount offered by Marcow, Marcow shall be entitled to suspend and/or revoke access to your Marcow Academy account.

Broker Reviews

In the event that Marcow makes available reviews of online brokers (each a “Review” and together the “Reviews”), the below applies in addition to the rest of the terms of these TOU. You understand and agree to receiving communications from Marcow, including as set forth in the “Communications” section of this TOU. Marcow reserves the right at any time and for any reason and without notice to you, to change, modify, suspend, or cancel access to and/or any and all of the Reviews.

For Informational Purposes Only. Each Review is provided for informational purposes only. Information may not be applicable for each state/province/territory and/or jurisdiction. Marcow cannot guarantee that any information provided in a Review will be accurate, complete, and/or current. We make no representations or warranties regarding the quality of the Review content.

You may not reproduce, upload, transmit, distribute, publicly display, sell, publish, copy, or otherwise use the Review, and/or any content or materials provided in connection with any Review for any commercial purpose without Marcow’s express written consent.

The publication by Marcow of any Review is not and shall not be deemed an endorsement or recommendation of that broker by Marcow and the views expressed in any Review are those of the Reviewer and not Marcow.

The information contained in a Review may be different from the information provided when you visit the website of a financial institution, service provider or specific product. When evaluating online brokers, please review the online broker’s own terms and conditions. We do not make any warranties or representations regarding the quotes, fees, terms, rates, coverage or services offered or made available by online brokers. We do not guarantee that quotes, fees, terms, rates, coverage or services offered by online brokers are the best available. We are not involved with and are not responsible for any fee arrangement that you may enter into with any online broker or other service provider. You hereby release us of any and all losses, costs, damages or claims in connection with, arising from or related to your use of a service provider’s products or services.

Marcow may receive compensation from online brokers when a user applies or gets approved for a financial product through our Website. Compensation may influence which products and brokers we review and write about, and whether products appear on our Website. The Website does not purport to feature every online broker or financial product available on the market.


Marcow does not guarantee that files available for downloading through its Site will be free of infection or viruses or other code that may have contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for integrity, security and accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Site for the reconstruction of any lost data.

Advertisers Are Not Endorsed

Though we seek to partner with quality companies, we are not responsible for the claims or representations made by advertisers and sponsors. Marcow does not review, endorse or recommend the products or services of any company mentioned on our Site. We will not be liable in any way for damages of any kind resulting out of the misuse of any personal information or data submitted by you to an advertiser or sponsor.


As a convenience to Users, the Site and Services may provide links to other sites or resources. Because we do not review and have no control over such sites and resources, Marcow shall not be responsible or liable for use of or reliance on any content, products, services or information at such sites or resources. Inclusion of any links does not imply any endorsement, affiliation, approval, association or sponsorship by Marcow of the linked websites, resources, their operators or owners. When you select a link, you may be leaving our Site. The information available on third parties websites may have certain restrictions on its use or distribution which differ from this TOU.

Prohibited Conduct

The following activities are strictly prohibited:

  • Posting unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation (“Spamming”);
  • Postings for any unlawful or fraudulent purpose (including links);
  • Posting of personal information (for yourself or anyone else);
  • Posting materials containing viruses or other malicious or destructive code;
  • Posting of offensive content including profanity, obscenity, racist or pornographic material;
  • Engaging in any activities that are defamatory, violate the personal privacy rights of others, or infringe any person’s rights, including but not limited to, collecting and distributing information about Internet users without their permission, except as permitted by applicable law;
  • Posting any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful, degrading to others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual preference, disability or other classification or otherwise objectionable in any way;
  • Copying, modifying, creating a derivative work of, reverse engineer, reverse assemble or otherwise attempt to discover any source code of the Site or Services;
  • Removing or obscuring the copyright notice or other notices displayed in connection with the content accessible through the Site or Services;
  • Interfering with or disrupting the Site functionalities, Services, or servers and networks connected to Site, or disobeying any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected directly or indirectly to the Site;
  • Modifying the Site or Services in any manner or form, or using modified versions of the Site or Services, including (without limitation) for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to the Site or Services;
  • Reproducing, printing, caching, storing, or distributing content retrieved from the Site or Services in any way not authorized by this TOU or for any commercial use without the prior written permission of Marcow;
  • Selling, assigning, sublicensing, or otherwise transferring any right in the Services or content accessible through the Site;
  • Accessing the Site or Services by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Marcow;
  • Using the Site or Services to violate any law (whether local, state/provincial/territorial, national, or international), whether or not intentionally;
  • Impersonating any person or entity, or falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with any person or entity;
  • Manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any question, answer or comment you post on the Site; Engaging in “screen scraping,” “database scraping,”; and/or
  • Facilitating violations of this TOU or the Privacy Policy.


This Site may collect personal information from some Users. Please review our Privacy Policy to understand what information we collect and store, how that information is used, how we may share that information, and your rights in connection with your personal information. The Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference and made a part of this TOU.


When you visit our Site, use any of our Services, or send us an email, you expressly indicate your consent to electronically receive any and all communications, notices, and our disclosures that we may provide in connection with your use of the Site and/or Services, including, without limitation, e-mail, in-app, and in-website chat communications. All agreements, notices and communications that we provide to you by email will satisfy all legal requirements that they be in writing and delivered to you. Marcow will have the right to disclose any email sent by a User, or any objectionable material, to comply with legal process or to protect the rights or property of Marcow, its customers, suppliers and Users. Any such notices may also include emails with promotional, marketing, and advertising information and recommendations that we believe may be of interest to you, in accordance with applicable law. Consistent with federal CAN-SPAM or anti-spam laws, if you do not wish to receive commercial emails, you may unsubscribe following the instructions on any email, excepting that we may still send you administrative and transactional notices, including, without limitation, information about your Account, confirmation of your registration for Courses, information about your progress, or other services that may be necessary to provide you with any one of the Services.

If you provide your telephone number to us when you register for an Account or use other Marcow Services on the Site, you expressly consent to receive autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages from Marcow at that number. If a telephone number is a mobile telephone number, you hereby consent to receive SMS or text messages at that number. We may place such calls or texts to (i) notify you about your account and any use thereof; (ii) provide you with services associated with the Online Courses, Webinars, etc.; (iii) troubleshoot problems with your account; (iv) resolve disputes; (v) contact you with offers and promotions; or (vii) as otherwise necessary to service your account or enforce these TOU, our policies, applicable law, or any other agreement we may have with you. We will not share your phone number with third parties for their purposes without your consent. We may share your phone numbers with our Affiliates or with our service providers, such as customer support, billing or collections companies, who we have contracted with to assist us in pursuing our rights or performing our obligations under these TOU, our policies, applicable law, or any other agreement we may have with you. You agree these parties may also contact you using autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages, as authorized by us to carry out the purposes we have identified above, and not for their own purposes. Standard telephone minute and text charges may apply.

You understand and consent that we may, in our discretion, monitor or record telephone conversations you or anyone acting on your behalf has with us or our agents for quality control and training purposes or for our own protection. You acknowledge and understand that, while your communications with us may be overheard, monitored, or recorded, not all telephone lines or calls may be recorded by us, and we do not guarantee that recordings of any particular telephone calls will be retained or retrievable.


We welcome all feedback, ideas, inventions, materials, and suggestions (“Feedback”) from our Users regarding our Services. You understand and agree that Marcow does not waive any rights to use similar and/or related Feedback previously or contemporaneously known to it, whether developed by its employees, contractors, obtained from other sources, or submitted by other Users. Further, by submitting any Feedback, you grant us the right to use the Feedback without any restrictions on the use of such Feedback or any compensation to you.

Proprietary Rights

The Marcow Site and its content are protected by copyright, trademark, and other proprietary laws. See our Copyright Notice.

Reporting Copyright Infringement. Marcow takes claims of copyright infringement seriously. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law. For U.S. users, if you believe any materials accessible on or from the Site infringes your copyright, you may request removal of those materials (or access to them) from the Site by submitting written notification to our Copyright Agent (designated below). In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 512) (“DMCA”), the written notice (the “DMCA Notice”) must include substantially the following:

  • Your physical or electronic signature.
  • Identification of the copyrighted work you believe to have been infringed, or, if the claim involves multiple works on the website, a representative list of such works.
  • Identification of the material you believe to be infringing in a sufficiently precise manner to allow us to locate that material.
  • Adequate information by which we can contact you (including your name, postal address, telephone number, and, if available, e-mail address).
  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  • A statement that the information in the written notice is accurate.
  • A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

You may submit your DMCA Notice to dmca@marcow.io.

If you fail to comply with all of the requirements of Section 512(c)(3) of the DMCA, your DMCA Notice may not be effective.

Please be aware that if you knowingly materially misrepresent that material or activity on this website is infringing your copyright, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) under Section 512(f) of the DMCA.

Repeat Infringers. It is our policy in appropriate circumstances to disable access to this Site and/or terminate the accounts of users who are repeat infringers of these TOU.

Subscription Services

Although Marcow offers services in many parts of the world, certain Marcow services may not be available in or suitable for certain countries or locales. We reserve the right to discontinue or to make changes to, our Site and any of our Services at any time without advance notice.








This TOU, and any applicable TOS, constitute the entire agreement between each User and Marcow governing the User’s access to and use of the Site and its Services, and supersede all prior agreements regarding its subject matter. The TOU shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. Each User hereby attorns and agrees to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the New York, New York.

The failure by a User or Marcow to exercise any right or to enforce any provision of this TOU shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of this TOU is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the court shall give effect to the intentions reflected in the provision to the degree possible, and the other provisions of this TOU will remain in full force and effect.

The parties have agreed that this contract and all related documents be drafted in English. Les parties aux présentes ont demandé et convenu que le présent contrat et tout document y afférent soient rédigés en anglais.

Marcow, Inc.